About KVK

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Shajapur was established by ICAR under JNKVV, Jabalpur. Presently KVK Shajapur is functioning under the jurisdiction of RVSKVV, Gwalior after bifurcation of JNKVV. The climate is semi-arid with an annual average of 828 mm. Shajapur district is a part of the Central Madhya Pradesh Plateau-Ratlam Plateau micro-region as per the present scheme of regional delineation. The district is situated in the north western part of the state and lies between latitude 23″06″ and 24″19″N and longitude 75″41″ and 77″02″E.
     The district is bounded by Ujjain and Agar-Malwa in the west, Dewas and Sehore in the south, Rajgarh in the north and Sehore district in the east. Shajapur district in Ujjain division was brought during 1981 census. The district derives its name from the headquarters town of Shajapur, named in honor of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan who stayed here in 1640. It is said that the original name was Shahjahanpur, which was later shortened to Shajapur. Since the formation of Gwalior State, it has remained a district. The entire district is a part of the Cretaceous age Deccan Trap. The district has deep black and shallow dark brown and alluvial soils of the northern region. The physio-cultural diversity of the district sub-divides it into the following sub-micro regions: Agar Plateau, Shajapur Forest Upland, Kalisindh-Basin, Shajapur-Upland।
KVK Work
  • To identify and list the agricultural resources of the district with special reference to technical training and identification of needs by the farming community. 
  • The key point is to design training courses and follow-up extension programs for their meaningful use.। 
  • Planning and conducting need based production oriented short and long term training courses for various target groups।
  • To impart vocational training to unemployed rural youth and school drop outs believing in the principle of watch and learn। 
  • Farm Science Club organized in adopted village and rural schools।
  • Development and maintenance of instructional farm and demonstration units on scientific lines.
  • Technologies tested for location specific conditions are demonstrated and recommended to ascertain their potential and profitability. To focus on on-farm testing of local technologies developed by Agricultural University and ICAR Research Institutes and to identify bottlenecks.ा।
Activities of KVK
  • To conduct on-farm trials to identify the location specificity of technologies in different farming systems. 
  • Frontline demonstration on farmers' fields to establish production capability of newly released technologies and provide feed back.
  • Training of farmers and cultivators to update their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies and training of extension personnel to orient them in key areas of technology development।
  • To act as a resource and knowledge center of agricultural technology to assist the public, private and voluntary sector in improving the agricultural economy of the district.
  • Creating awareness about frontier technologies through a large number of extension activities such as Kisan Melas, field days, strategic campaigns, ex-trainees meets etc.।
  • The seeds and planting material produced by KVKs are also made available to the farmers.